YUSU 1: Creature of Love
YUSU 2: Creature of Habit
YUSU 2: Creature of Habit
YUSU 2: Creature of Habit
YUSU 2: Creature of Habit
There was once a girl made of beautiful threads. She was trapped in a world that felt inside out, backwards and the wrong way around. One day, one of her threads came loose. Someone from the backwards world noticed and asked if they could pull the thread. She said yes and made that person very happy. Soon, people from all over the backwards world were pulling many of her threads, until she had giant holes and was almost threadbare. She couldn’t give anyone more of her threads or she would disappear. She went to a thread shop and asked the owner if she had the threads that she needed to put herself back together. The old woman in the shop said, “your threads are very special, I don’t carry those. Only you can create those threads.” The girl asked her how she was supposed to create the threads she needed to repair herself. The old woman said, “that’s for you to figure out before you disappear.” So the girl once made of thread, started collecting threads that have been discarded and forgotten. She built and stitched a creature until the threads started to become something new, strange and beautiful again. She was able to begin mending herself back together and start finding her way out of the world that was backwards.
Rabbit Made of Threads
Rabbit Made of Threads
Rabbit Made of Threads